Loss Script


Scene 1:

Street view shot , shows house, Clock on side table, Medicine on table, Alarm sound, turns off alarm, focus pull towards door from the alarm,           

Scene 2:

Shows routine of character[ set tie, wear shoes], enters dining room,[shot of table and shot of TV],  sits at the table, shows plates already on table breakfast, father sitting at dining table,  [Dialouge which shows good relationship with parents] 

Shows eating, [TV noises] focus pulls of from plate to tv, News anchor [Today we commemorate the loss of the 52 people who lost their lives due to the Chicago bridge incident exactly 1 year ago. Lets have a moment of silence for them]. [Optional Parents faces on TV]

Scene 3:

Midshot of BOY, Slow Dolly Zoom in to BOY, Eary music plays in the background, Glitch Effect transition into shot of BOY sitting alone, Glitch Effect Transition back into BOY sitting with his family(for 1 - 1.5 secs)Grabs remote and turns off TV, Eary music stops when TV shut down.


Father: Are you okay? 

Boy: Its Nothing.

Mother: Aren't you late for school

Sufyan Runs out of chair grabs his bag, goes to the main door, Parents follow out,  Exits out of House," okay bye mom bye dad"[while waving],  close up shot of neighbour.

Scene 4:

Neighbour about the same age as Sufyan, has a confused look “What” in a low tone.

 “Isn’t Samuel living alone” he thinks.

Scene 5:

Neighbour goes up to Samuel’s house looks through the window to see no lights turned on “What the…” shows shot of living room (security camera in the corner) cuts to camera with blinking red lights. Fades to black.

Scene 6:

Alarm sound, shows scene 2 and 3 with interchanging shots with security camera shots. Shows Samuel Walking. 1st shot of his shoes 2nd of his smile,3rd of his face as he grins

Script was written by hussaan however the final edits and changes were done by me.


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